Saturday, December 3, 2011

"December 1941" by Craig Shirley

December, 1941 - a month that would see extreme change in the United States as peacetime changed to wartime in an instant. The days before the attack on Pearl Harbor were ones of relative calm in homes all over the nation. There were things going on in the world, but the impact wasn't personal. Then, December 7th happened and every American home was touched. In his new book, Craig Shirley gives his readers a picture of life before and after Pearl Harbor. How did war change homes, families, the country? Are there lessons to learn and apply today? Through the pages of this book, you will not only read things you have heard before, but numerous things you haven't. It will keep you reading from beginning to end.

It is easy to see the numerous hours Craig Shirley spent in research and writing. It is easy to see the care he takes with historical facts and with getting his readers to get the whole picture. This book captured me from the beginning. I have always been fascinated with history, and learning more about the United States in 1941 was a plus. I recommend this book to readers of all types, and I think book discussion groups will find a great deal to discuss. It is a book I will definitely give as a gift. I received my review copy from the Book Sneeze program and thank them very much.

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