Thursday, April 19, 2012

"The 13th Tribe" by Robert Liparulo

What if there was a 13th tribe of Israel created when the people rebelled against God by building a golden calf? What if they thought they could earn their way to Heaven by killing others, and what if they were immortal? These are just a few of the questions posed in this new book by Robert Liparulo. While the story reaches back in history for its beginning, it is set in the present day Israel. 

Jagger Baird is the head of security for an archaeological dig on Mt. Sinai. Little does he know that these killers are looking to make a larger statement than they have ever made before. Many more people will die in their mass murder plot. But, little does the 13th Tribe know that when they threaten Jagger's family, they have kicked a hornet's nest. The battle is for the lives of many. Who will survive? Pick up the book and hang on for a wildly thrilling reading experience.

I really enjoyed this story. It has a little of everything, so will appeal to a broad base of readers. The characters are interesting and unique, the battles and scenarios realistic. I enjoyed the story very much and will look for more books by Mr. Liparulo.

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