Friday, September 10, 2010

"Outlive Your Life" by Max Lucado

Outlive your life? What does that mean? In this book, Max Lucado, provides answers and examples to help and encourage everyone to live life to its fullest, in turn, touching the lives of others. With chapters like, “Calling Mr. Pot Roast,” and “Let God Unshell You,” it is easy to see that each person can make a difference. Actions don’t have to be out there for everyone to see, but can be simple, everyday things that encourage people as they pass along our path. God uses the simple things to get our attention, and normal, average people to accomplish his plan. Will you be one who will “Outlive Your Life?”
This book made me think of the song, “Brighten the Corner  Where You Are,” and I have been happily singing that for days. It has been an encouragement to me, and I encourage everyone to pick up this book and let it make a change in your life. You should also find it useful in a book discussion group. It is especially wonderful to note that all of the author’s royalties will be donated to benefit children and families around the world.

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