Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Curse of the Spider King" by Wayne Batson and Christopher Hopper

From the land of Allyra to planet Earth, "Curse of the Spider King" weaves the story of Elves, Dreadnaughts, Gwar, Drefids,  the Spider King, and seven seemingly normal earth-bound kids.  Hundreds of years have passed since the Spider King and his helpers drove the Elves underground. While the Elves think all of the lords, including their babies, are dead, a plot is hatched to send the seven baby lords to earth. Why would the Spider King's minions do that? What did they fear if not the King himself? Now that these seven are turning thirteen, they meet strange new people, some wanting to share information and history with them, many wishing to kill them. As their worlds are turned upside down, many questions arise. Who are the good guys? What are their hidden powers? Who will make it to Allyra? Are any other Elves still alive? These questions and more are answered within the pages of the book.

This story pulled me in from the beginning, making it difficult for me to put it down. I love a good fantasy novel, and this YA fantasy fits the bill. It not only introduced me to believable earthly characters, but to carefully crafted people and creatures from another world as well. Interwoven in the story was the history of the last battle which helps this reader understand what has happened, and what is being hoped for. I recommend this book to young adults, as well as others like me who love a good fantasy novel. I can't wait to start on Book 2 - "Venom and Song" - which is sitting here waiting for me. 

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