Monday, May 26, 2014

"Murder Simply Brewed" by Vannetta Chapman

Was it really murder that happened in the coffee shop? The police think that Ethan Gray died of a heart attack. But two women, one an "Englisher" - Amber; the other Amish - Hannah; encounter events that make them believe that something more sinister took place. Come into "A Simple Blend" and uncover the clues with them.

Hannah loves to quilt, which makes her job at the small quilting shop easy. But one morning she notices something odd. She can't smell the coffee from A Simple Blend. Knowing that Ethan always arrives before her and starts the brewing, Hannah goes to check on him. That is when she finds his body and alerts the village manager, Amber. As other mysterious and frightening things happen, Amber finds help in her neighbor Tate, and Hannah with Jesse. Will they prove that there was a murder? What about the one(s) leaving warnings? Come chase the clues with Hannah and Amber, and uncover the answers.

I really enjoyed this book. Vannetta Chapman always writes a good book with wonderful characters, settings, and stories. I found the mystery and its solution intersting, and loved the addition of two love stories. It was also fun to see these two women from very different backgrounds find friendship as they worked together. It you love Amish fiction and/or mysteries, this book is for you. Book groups may also enjoy discussing the questions at the end. I received my review copy from the Book Look program in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Thanks for your review, Donna! I'm so glad you enjoyed Amber and Hannah's story!

  2. Thank you for writing it! It was a pleasure. =)
