Tuesday, October 10, 2017

"The Teen's Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices" by Jonathan McKee

Social Media, one of the hottest activities of our lifetime. Posting, tweeting, sharing pictures, etc. Is there danger? What should be the focus, especially for teenagers? In this new book by Jonathan McKee, teens (and others) can get 21 tips for keeping yourself safe and being wise when dealing with social media.

Twitter, Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram - all commonly used forms of social media. In the blink of an eye. people all over the world can know more about you than most of your friends. Media does more than letting you engage. It also tracks your likes, your movements, your life moments. This book begins with two letters; one to parents and one to the teen. It then goes into debunking false ideas (i.e. I can delete what I post.), rules of safety (i.e. look at privacy settings, friend requests, think before you post). It is a common sense look at the world through these wonderful and dangerous apps. 

I enjoyed, and learned from, this book. It's easy to read and makes many common sense points. There are "Questions to Ponder," "Tips," and "Something to Think About," that will draw a reader in. I recommend this book to teens and their parents, along with anyone else who whats to be wiser when posting. It is well worth your time.

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