Saturday, October 4, 2014

"Noah" A Wordless Picture Book by Mark Lundy

Noah, a man called by God to save anyone who believed God and animal species. Noah built an ark according to God's specifications, and was jeered at and mocked for his trust. No one but his family believed. 

Noah was a family man who was found faithful in God's eyes. When the people of the earth were so evil God wanted to destroy them, He told Noah to build an ark. This picture book shows Noah as a family man, then as a man who built an ark amidst the mockery of the earth's people. They didn't even know what rain was! But Noah continued on and when the rain came, he, his family, and animals from all over the earth were safe. 

The illustrations in this book are wonderful and will appeal to children of all ages, most specifically toddlers. I especially loved the emotions shown on the faces and the pictures showing how they cared for the animals. It is also fun to look for Squeakers (a mouse) as you go through the book. He can be found on every single page! If you enjoy books that illustrate the story you are telling, this book is for you. I received my review copy from Handlebar Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

From Handlebar:
The Book

A hundred years before the Great Flood, a man namedNoah came home talking crazy. God wanted him to build the biggest ship the world had ever seen. The future of humanity depended on it. How would his wife respond? What would the neighbors think? Was it even feasible? This lavish re-imagining of one of the greatest stories of all time will fascinate children and adults alike. Nuanced and playful, yet meticulous in following the biblical narrative, Mark Ludy's world-class art digs deeper than the Sunday-school tale of cuddly animals, exploring Noah's relationship with his family, the natural world, God--and a formidable engineering challenge. Immerse yourself in this stunning wordless epic. Whatever your age, you'll never read this story in the same way again. 

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