Ruth, a beloved Bible character is the subject of this book by Liz Curtis Higgs. Ruth was a Moabitis who not only lost her father-in-law, but her husband as well. Death caused a great chasm in the family, but when Naomi determines to return home, Ruth goes with her. What changes await!
In this story of faith, family, and determination; Mrs. Higgs encourages her readers to step into Ruth's shoes. We walk along side, seeing her emotion, feeling her pain. But we also see how much she not only feels love for Naomi, but how she grows to love the God of Israel. We see her work hard and fall in love. What's she still got? The book is well worth reading to find the answer!
I love this book and highly recommend it. Ruth is still a great example of the virtuous woman and I enjoy reading books that put me in the time and place she lived. I really love is part of the title, "Take a Walk with Ruth and the God Who Rocked Her World." Pick it up, you won't regret it!