Wednesday, October 23, 2019

"Bible Prophecy and You" by Len Woods

Bible Prophecy is something that can stump anyone, and its study consumes many Christians. What if there was a book for everyday readers like you and me? This is such a book! Have you given up on the study? Try picking up this book. It should help.

Prophecy from the past, present, and future is explored in this new book by Len Woods. Starting with "Prophecy 101" moving through to "Here's What We Can Say for Sure," this book is filled with understandable information about past, present, and future events. The colorful pictures/illustrations and extra Scripture passages add to the understanding you will get about prophecy and Israel and other nations, as well as topics like: Hell, the Rapture, the 144, 000, and the Two Witnesses. 

I really like this book. I grew up in church, but still appreciate books written for those of us not in theological colleges/universities. It is easy to understand and the illustrations help the information come to life. This book is for anyone who wants to delve into prophecy but is a little afraid of the many books out there. You can understand and learn more about prophecy. I recommend this book to all adults. Thank you to Barbour Publishing for my review copy of the book. The review and words are totally mine.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

"When God Says Wait: A Devotional Thought Journal" by Elizabeth Laing Thompson

Micah 7:7 (ESV) "But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me."

Waiting, one of the toughest things we can endure. Waiting can cause us to doubt our faith, worry over the small things, stop reading our Bibles, and change us into impatient, frustrated people. But, have you ever tried journaling through the wait? This new journal, designed by Elizabeth L. Thompson can help each of us work through the times of waiting.

Scripture passages, special thoughts, illustrations, and examples await each person who picks up this journal. And then there is the space to write. The invitation is there on each page to write something, to answer a question, to let out something about your wait. This book will help make the waiting a little more productive for you. 

I really like this journal and can definitely see how God will use it to help me as well as so many others. Are you waiting right now? Why not pick up a copy of this journal and try it out? You might just see God work through the waiting to blessing. I am thankful to Barbour Publishing for my review copy. The review and thoughts are totally mine.