Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Take Flight!" by Robin Jones Gunn and Cindy Hannan

"Ah, grace. Grace that would bid us fly and give us wings! What a welcoming image - being set free to become all God intended and to soar through life." Thus begins this wonderful Sisterchick devotional. Does this statement mean there will never be trouble in our lives? No, but it points to the grace of God that can get us through anything.

Devotional readings are meant to inspire, instruct, and illuminate our lives. They are meant to give us help to be better in every aspect of our lives. "Take Flight!" does this. Throughout the devotional readings, we are given challenges, words of wisdom, and are invited to take a closer look at Scripture to better understand what God wants for us. With chapters like "Sunset Worship," "Never Too Late," and "Stars Were Singing," readers are encouraged to practice praise and worship through the grace of God. Come, lift up your voice and "Take Flight."

I love the Sisterchick books, so this was a natural choice for me. There are fourteen devotionals filled with information and inspiration, and each could easily take a week or more to study. I love the way each devotion is sectioned out and it isn't filled with just reading, but also encouragement to study and to do other assignments as well. I recommend this book to Christians everywhere, along with the other Sisterchick books. They will bless your heart and soul.  "I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review."

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